Autodesk AliasStudio 2009 32bit (产品设计)(未测试)

Autodesk AliasStudio 2009 32bit (产品设计)

Autodesk AliasStudio 2009 64bit (产品设计)

Autodesk AliasStudio 2009 (产品设计软件)

Autodesk® AliasStudio™ software optimizes the creative design process with industry-leading sketching, modeling, and visualization tools that help you quickly realize ideas in a single environment. With the AliasStudio line of products, your designers can capture ideas digitally—from initial sketches through 3D concept models. They can easily share these models with your engineering team, using a common file format. This lets you incorporate a product’s conceptual design data into the digital prototype—saving time and effort.

如今,产品设计日益成为决定产品能否成功的重要因素。为了满足客户不断快速变化的需求,设计人员需要使用专门的工具在短时间内开发和交流生产出色的设计产品,同时还要在整个设计流程中进行灵活的修改。Autodesk® AliasStudio™

标签:Autodesk AliasStudio 2009 32bit 产品设计 测试